Sewing - Tarp

tarp front view  tarp rear view
Front view shows bugbivy cord attached to ridgeline.

tarp front polecup  tarp read polecup
Front and rear pole cups (older design for front pole cup, but new design similar). Front pole cup holding hiking staff. Note reinforcements for loops that secure s-hooks to underside of ridgeline. Note that all guyline attachment reinforcements both sewed and glued (using Silnet).

tarp ridgeline hooks  tarp silfix repair
First photo shows closeup of s-hooks attached to underside of ridgeline. Cord between s-hooks for hanging wet socks. Front s-hook for hanging poncho, so as to block rain from blowing in front of tarp. (Older version. Current version doesn't use s-hooks, just loops of cord, with mittenhook on bugbivy cord.) Second photo shows field repair to tarp (using scrap of silnylon and Silfix) after wind pulled stake out of ground. Stake flew back towards tarp like missile because still attached to guyline, causing gash in tarp.

Further discussion of tarp here.




tarp pattern

Sewing instructions: