Sewing - Bike Handlebar Bag

handlebar bag, top view

handlebar bag, rear view

Carries neckpurse and its contents. No closure needed, since friction sufficient to keep neckpurse from bouncing out. Lack of closure makes it easy to retrieve neckpurse, and thus maps, guidebooks, smartphone and other items carried inside neckpurse. Weighs 235 grams.

Hangs from handlebars, supported by dual Thorn 105mm x 0° accessory bars (110g each, ordered from SJSCycles) to keep away from brake levers and cables. Total weight of both accessory bars plus handlebar bag is thus 2 x 110g + 235g = 455g. Compare with Ortlieb handlebar bag at 700g for the size large, which is much smaller than my handlebar bag and also less convenient for me. Small size of Ortlieb bag means it does not allow for 12" wide Aloksaks or maps folded to about 10"x10", such as my Lassen map. Only advantage of Ortlieb bag is waterproofness. I seldom bicycle in the rain, but when I do, waterproof stuff sacks and 12"x12" aloksaks (both carried inside my neckpurse) work fine to protect electronics and paper items from moisture.