Units Conversions

oz/sqyd (ounces/square yard)
multiply by 33.9 to get g/sqm (grams/square meter)
" (inches)
multiply by 2.54 to get cm (centimeters)
yd (yard)
multiply by 91.4 to get cm (centimeters)
km (kilometers)
multiply by 1.609 to get mi (miles)
oz (ounce)
multiply by 28.4 to get g (grams)
lb (pound)
multiply by 2.2 to get kg (kilograms)
deg F (°F)
subtract 32 then multiply by 5/9 to get deg C (°C)
L (liters)
multiply by 61.0 to get cuin (cubic inches)
L (liters)
multiply by 4.227 to get cups
kilocalories (nutritional Calories)
multiply by 1000 to get physics calories
kilocalories (nutritional Calories)
multiply by 4.184 to get kilojoules
multiply by 14.5 to get psi (pounds per square inch)